Keto T911 Diet Weight Loss

Weight Loss
5 min readFeb 13, 2021


A new review article reviews the the scientific basis of ketoT911 Diet both the pros and cons but again kind of fails to be consistent and reaches some questionable conclusions I’m Dr Brett She the medical director. i want to review this study recently published in in curious 2020 and a peer-reviewed medical journal um and on the one hand you could say there’s no such thing as bad publicity right anytime we see very low cab diets or ketoT911 Diet uh in the literature it’s probably a good thing because it’s getting more scientific curiosity and more scientific investigation but what we see is again the the evaluation can really break down because of this confusion about how to define the studies that you’re looking at so let’s talk about this a little bit.

and I wrote about this at and you can see the full post there but the study it sort of um starts off in the in the introduction talking about what a ketoT911 Diet is but then it has a quote i want to read to you long-term side effects include hepatic steady posits which is basically liver fat kidney stones hypothermia and vitamin deficiency okay and the references for this none which is really unfortunate now we have guides evidence-based heavily referenced guides on our site talking about how there is no clear evidence that ketoT911 or very low carbs diets can cause kidney stones and how there’s actually evidence that it treats fatty liver it doesn’t cause fatty liver but treats fatty liver but here they are in this supposedly scientific review saying with no citations that it causes kidney stones and causes fatty liver so to me right away that that’s troubling um but then they talk about lipids and low carbs diets. and they do a good job of reviewing the Iterate for increasing HDD and lowering triglycerides and they also talk about how it can lower carp and lower insulin and glucose those are all very well accepted but then they focus on the few studies that show increased LLD and they ignore the studies that show no rise in APO or no rise in LLD which again i find sort of problematic and again we have guides that show on the detail that the evidence behind low cab and your serum cholesterol and how a majority of these studies and some systematic review of randomized control trials show no increase in LLD for the majority of people obviously it can happen in some people we’ve covered that as well but when you’re reviewing the literature it’s important to acknowledge that a number of the studies show no change.

so we have to understand that variability but then this is where they get into trouble because throughout the the article they say they’re focusing on studies of very low carbohydrate diets usually defined as less than 50 grams of carbs is how they define it here but then all of a sudden they shift gears and they start they they reference a study which defined low cab as less than 40 percent of your calories from carbs and we’ve covered that before that is nowhere near low cab and doesn’t belong in any review of low cab diets they also include the diet fit study which is traditionally thought of as a low-cab versus low-fat study and its conclusion was there is no difference in weight loss at the end of the year but as i covered in my podcast with Lucia arnica this really wasn’t a low-cab diet because they started low-cab but by the end of the study they were the low cab arm was eating 130 grams of carbohydrates because the way it was designed was to allow them The regulate their own carbohydrate intake without any restrictions so that shouldn’t be included either because that’s not a low-cab diet now and i guess that’s my sort of underlying concern and my underlying message here that you know a thorough scientific review of low cab studies needs to stick to low cab studies and when i see reviews like this it’s a little disheartening because it can be so confusing for the average person who’s not doing this type of detail to realize oh wait these studies are including aren’t real low cab studies so.

i don’t know i guess that gives me more work to do and I’m okay with that because this is what I i want to help people understand that we really need to be we need to be very vigilant and very strict about how we’re defining these studies to make sure they apply to us if we are the type of people eating less than 50 grams of carbs or eating less than 20 grams of carbs or if you’re the type of person trying to decide if this diet is right for you you need to make sure that the the literature you’re reviewing is pertinent to the diet you are thinking about partaking so um hopefully that’s helpful and i know for some people can be very confusing um and we’re here to try and get cut through the confusion and help you cut through the confusion so stay tuned for more of these videos and you all of course you can get the updates at our website at where we try and add some clarity to all this to to help you make the right decisions that you think are right for you and your health thanks a lot everybody have a great day. [It includes affiliate link]



Weight Loss

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